
Friday, October 30, 2020

Boy#week 3

Today we have been doing Friday discussion group in period three. We have been reading Boy. Lately in the book he has started a high school over the big river. Plus he went to the doctor to get his lumps in his throat removed. He has had a strange matron that was mean as a lepord and scary as 16 eyed spider. She would be mean even if she was 21 or 64. Other than that he was having a blast. He has a brand new tuck box. If you don't know what that is it is a treasure box for kids

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Last week we were doing stop motion act. I did not really enjoy it. I was a truck driver winch was a bad choice. We did something called levels winch is very confusing. Plus facile expression. 

Friday, October 16, 2020


 What is pink shirt day you may ask? Or you may say "Pink shirt day that is strange".Well it is not strange because it is about bullying.You may think at first celebrating bulling but no, it is the opposite of that.(Let say some one is getting bulled because of there hair colour). So David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new year 10 student was harassed and threatened for wearing pink. Pink shirt day is held every 16 October every year.Most people skip it but we should celebrate it.

Thursday, October 15, 2020



In term four of school my class has been making black out poems. Black out poetry is when you get a piceice of newspaper then you selected a few word out of an paragraph and draw a black box round that word. Once that is done you colour the words that you don't want black.

When I was making it I found it hard when you get a bad article, For example like you want action and you get an brand sparkling new house ad instead. One of my poems said (it seems like sunshine keep flowing forever we are on the day that will never end).In the end I felt like a poet.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Sport Expedition's

  1.  Those people without PE gear will not participate and receive a consequence. 
  1. Before coming into the gym you must line up as a class outside the door.
  1. Once you are changed into your PE gear you must come and sit down as a class in place you were you were asked by the teacher.
  1. All PE gear must be left alone until the teacher has instructed you to use it.